Foundations of Arab Linguistics

A group of scholars passionate about the history of Arab linguistics

FAL 7 (Tokyo, 2024)

The FAL 7 conference took place in Tokyo, on August 28ᵗʰ‒30ᵗʰ, 2024. Papers were presented on the 28ᵗʰ and the 29ᵗʰ, and we organised a field trip on the 30ᵗʰ.

Sībawayh and his heirs:
Controversies surrounding the legacy
August 28ᵗʰAugust 29ᵗʰ
10:00‒10:30  Registration & 10:20 Opening 
10:30‒11:00 Manuel Sartori
“Slip of the tongue and rectificative apposition: Contribution to a comparative history of grammatical traditions”
10:30‒11:00 Francesco Binaghi
“When branches grow new stems: The role of stand-alone treatises sprouting from the Ǧumal commentary tradition”
11:15‒11:45 Hideki Okazaki
“The status of the term ʾisqāṭ in the early Arab grammatical literature”
11:15‒11:45 Haruko Sakaedani
“Rhetorical questions in the Qurʾān with special reference to hal questions and ʾa- questions“
11:45‒12:15 Jean Druel
“From contender to instrumental promoter: The testimony of the glosses in al-Mubarrad’s criticism of the Kitāb”
11:45‒12:15 Shlomo Alon
“The verbs in Sībawayhi’s thinking and writing”
12:15‒13:30  Lunch break12:15‒13:30  Lunch break
13:30‒14:10 Michael Carter (Keynote speech)
Badal al-ġalaṭ and intentionality in early Arabic grammar”
13:30‒14:00 Ramzi Baalbaki (via Zoom)
“The development of the syntactic term aǧnabī (‘extraneous’) in Arabic grammar”
14:30‒15:00 Simona Olivieri
“Language legacy and language ideology”
14:00‒14:30 Beata Sheyhatovitch
“The term ʾaǧnabī in the medieval Arabic grammatical tradition”
15:20‒15:50 Raoul Villano (via Zoom)
“Reading Sībawayhi in 4ᵗʰ/10ᵗʰ century”
14:50‒15:20 Almog Kasher (via Zoom)
al- as an ism mawṣūl: On a neglected type of šibh al-ǧumla
15:50‒16:20 Giuliano Lancioni (via Zoom)
“The nature of linguistic data in early Arabic linguistic thinking”
15:20 ‒15:50 Manuela E. B. Giolfo (via Zoom)
“Divergent interpretations of conditional particles in classical Arabic grammar: A comparative analysis of Sībawayhi and Zamaḫšarī’s theories”
16:30‒17:50  A short campus tour – The Old Library – Public Speaking Hall – Banraisha Bar & Lounge16:10‒17:00  Business MTG & Closing
18:00  Welcome Dinner18:00  Dinner

The proceedings will be published in the FAL series. Please send your articles for review to harukosakaedani [at] and jean.druel [at] before June 30ᵗʰ, 2025.